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Dychwelodd eich chwiliad am 295 ganlyniadau
24 Ionawr 2021

Swyddi adeiladu lefel mynediad yn y DU

Mae’r diwydiant adeiladu yn lle gwych i ddechrau ar eich gyrfa. Ond ble mae dechrau? Yma, rydyn ni’n edrych ar swyddi adeiladu lefel mynediad lle gallwch chi roi’r cam cyntaf ar yr ysgol.
04 Tachwedd 2015

We are facing an acute housing shortage in this country, with all experts agreeing we need to dramatically increase the number of homes being built.
14 Mawrth 2016

Laura is currently studying to complete her qualification in painting and decorating, and talks about her experience as an apprentice.
25 Awst 2015

When I started working in construction, I took a temporary office job for a construction company. I needed a job. Find out more about my experience.
Make-A-Wish: Stori Joseph
20 Ebrill 2018

Make-A-Wish: Stori Joseph

Gwireddwyd dymuniad Joseph o Aberystwyth i gael profiad o gerbydau adeiladau ‘mawr’ i fodloni ei ddiddordeb mewn popeth sy'n ymwneud ag adeiladu. Cafodd Joseph ddod i’r Coleg Adeiladu Cenedlaethol, a drefnwyd drwy Fwrdd Hyfforddi’r Diwydiant Adeiladu (CITB) a Make-A-Wish UK.
27 Hydref 2017

Ancient burial grounds, skeletons, ghosts. (It must be Halloween!) With a career in construction, you might have an encounter with any of them. Find out more.
02 Tachwedd 2015

I left the Royal Navy on 12 July 2014 after five years’ service. I decided I wanted to change career while I was still relatively young at 24 years old.
Dyluniwyd y wefan gan S8080