Anjali has to be an all-rounder. She specialises in quantity surveying, health and safety, and sustainability and helps with project management and accounts.

I worked my way up from trainee to project surveyor.

Case study
Category Information
Age 24
Based United Kingdom
Employer Freelance

What made you want to work in construction?

I went to university, feeling it was expected of me. After two unhappy weeks, I left to join the family business and pursue my dream of working in construction.

How did you become interested in construction?

Growing up, my dad used to bring home technical drawings, and I'd help him do takeoffs – the way you measure building materials on-site.

How do you see yourself in construction?

I don’t fit the stereotype of a construction worker! I'm determined to challenge and change perceptions, believing you can respect tradition and culture without fitting into a mould.

What do yo love about being a project surveyor?

Seeing building projects come to life gives me motivation. I love the idea that they could be around longer than the people who built them.

What was your educational pathway to becoming a project surveyor?

As a trainee project surveyor, I just needed GCSEs and A levels. I developed my knowledge at the firm and returned to university to do a construction-related degree.