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How you can promote diversity

How should we promote equality and diversity in the workplace and in wider society? Everyone's differences should be recognised, respected and valued. The Equality Act gives us an understanding of what discrimination means, but there are things that we can all do to help promote diversity in the construction industry.

The Equality Act

The Equality Act 2010 protects employees from any form of harassment, discrimination and bullying in the workplace. Everyone should feel accepted and protected in all areas of their life, including at work, in education, as a customer, when using public services, when buying or renting property, or as a member or guest of an association.  

It is important that employers create an inclusive workplace culture that makes people feel protected from discrimination.     

Employers can go further, however, as the Diversity and Inclusion expert Verna Myers said: ‘Diversity is being invited to the party; inclusion is being asked to dance.’  

How to promote equality and diversity in the workplace 

According to a survey in 2021 conducted by the HR software company Ciphr, 36% of UK adults said they had experienced some form of workplace discrimination. 2,000 people took part in the survey, which also found that the most common characteristic discriminated against was age.

There are many ways that you can promote equality and diversity in the workplace, school/college or within your community.  

How do you want it to be demonstrated in your community or workplace? If you know what you want and are passionate about this idea, people will be more likely to join you in your vision.  

  • Put equality policies into place

This will ensure that all employees are treated fairly in all day-to-day activities and work-related decisions.  

  • Report any instances of discrimination, whether you see it, hear it or read about it

Know your rights! No matter someone’s race, religion, sexual orientation, or social or economic background, they should never be made to feel inferior or lower than someone else. Speak to your employer about any instances of discrimination you experience yourself or witness. If you are also unfortunate enough to be the victim of a hate crime, report this to the police and find other people you can confidently speak to that you trust.  

  • Make recruiting decisions based on merit

If you are part of a recruitment process, ensure that you have criteria and systems in place that guard against discrimination

  • Honesty is the best policy

If you’re filling in a survey that asks about your opinion on diversity, be honest. Having lots of ideas and thoughts about the subject of diversity is helpful for companies because it means that they know where they can improve and strengthen.

Top tips to enhance diversity in the workplace

The following ideas are just a few of the changes an inclusive employer could introduce to make their workplace truly inclusive:

  • Ensure staff feel their voices are heard – this could be via regular feedback sessions, staff surveys or a staff-run council
  • Use inclusive language – ask how your colleague wants to be identified (her/she, him/he, they/them), and avoid phrases that could be interpreted as discriminatory
  • Safe spaces – make the workplace environment one where underrepresented or minority groups feel comfortable and that their needs are fully catered for.
  • Create an ally scheme – actively support colleagues who may feel the impact of discrimination or unconscious bias, such as those from the LGBTQ+ community
  • Provide diversity training – training for employees that raises awareness of different cultures, how to engage with colleagues from different backgrounds and reduce bias and discrimination
  • Non-discrimination policy – a formal policy that covers recruitment and day-to-day interaction between staff

What does discrimination mean?

Discrimination is where you or someone else gets unfairly treated because of a bias that an individual or group of people may have against you. The Equality Act 2010 details nine areas where discrimination can take place – called ‘protected characteristics’. They are:  

  • Age  
  • Being or becoming a transsexual person 
  • Being married or in a civil partnership 
  • Being pregnant or on maternity leave 
  • Disability 
  • Race including colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin 
  • Religion, belief or lack of religion/belief 
  • Sex 
  • Sexual orientation.

Diversity organisations 

If you are interested in finding out more about diversity or becoming involved in work that promotes and champions diversity, there are many organisations looking for volunteers. The following are some of the leading groups, but there are many others that you can join that are looking for help with events, fundraising or generally championing their cause.  

  • Stonewall – their mission is to promote diversity in all people groups within communities, workplaces and institutions 
  • Equally Ours – a national network of equality and human rights organisations (formerly the Equality and Diversity Forum) 
  • National Centre for Diversity – a charity that helps businesses and organisations to develop and embed equality and fairness into their ethos and practices through learning and development. 

Discover more about diversity in construction today

We are proud of the diverse workforce that helps to make construction more reflective of the society we live in. Find out more about why diversity is important and the people who have been innovators for change in construction history.

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