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Construction and Ethnic Diversity | Go Construct

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The benefit of diversity in the workplace is now well understood and appreciated. Construction firms with ethnically diverse workforces can better represent and serve their clients. The construction industry prides itself on its equality, diversity and inclusion, and wants to offer potential employees from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds a welcoming environment in which to work.

Inclusion of employees with ethnically diverse backgrounds

Over recent years the number of people from black, Asian and ethnic minority groups entering the construction industry and progressing has been growing. But it still lags behind the overall UK figure for representation of these communities.

With the UK population projected to become more ethnically diverse, and to be a source of significant future revenue, the continued inclusion of employees from ethnic minorities is essential for the construction industry. 

Benefits of ethnic diversity in the construction industry for employees and clients

An ethnically diverse workforce can make a company not only more attractive to would-be employees. It’s also more attractive to customers and more innovative in its approach. As one interviewee working in construction said in a survey:

“We deliver services in areas where there is a high BAME* population, but we’re not based in a similar area. I feel we need to have a BAME workforce to be representative of our client group.”

Another interviewee also thought he would be more competitive if his workforce were more ethnically aligned with his diverse customer base.

Another said: “If we have a more diverse workforce we will have better ideas. If we don’t innovate we won’t be forward-looking. This is about the team coming together, working together with different perspectives, and it’s got to be positive.” 

If we have a more diverse workforce we will have better ideas. If we don’t innovate we won’t be forward-looking.


Celebrating Black History Month 

What is Black History Month?  

Black History Month is an annual awareness campaign that aims to promote the achievements in British society of non-white people of African American, Caribbean and Asian descent.    

When is Black History Month in the UK? 

Black History Month is held in October in the UK (it is in February in the US).  

Why Do We Celebrate Black History Month?

We celebrate Black History Month to highlight the experience of black people in the UK, both historically and today. The events and activities of Black History Month tell the stories of how black people and those from ethnic minorities have overcome challenges and prejudice and fought for social justice, greater economic opportunities and political representation.   

Black History Month reminds decision-makers and employers in construction that improving ethnic diversity is essential for the future of the industry, and the way it is perceived. 

How To Celebrate Black History Month At Work?

There are many ways that construction employees can mark Black History Month in their organisation, and contribute positively to diversity in construction. These include:

  • Arranging for guest speakers from ethnic minority groups to talk to employees, highlighting their stories and experiences
  • Asking for your own employees to share their experiences
  • Hold workshops on topics like racial identity and unconscious bias
  • Provide training on equality, diversity and inclusion

What Is BAME?

BAME is a term that was used widely until recently to describe people from Black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds. As a broad term, it has largely fallen out of favour, as it is generally considered to lack nuance and does not reflect the individuality of different ethnicities, nationalities and cultures.

The Equality Act 2010: Outlawing Ethnic Discrimination

Opportunities for ethnic minorities are further boosted by the law. Not only does the Equality Act 2010 outlaw ethnic discrimination, but it also includes powers that enable public bodies to use procurement to drive equality.

In short, if a public body contracts with a construction firm that is found to be acting in a discriminatory way, the public body can be held accountable. This is aimed at putting contractors’ business cultures under the spotlight.

Find out more about the Equality Act 2010 

What Is The Equality Act 2010?

The Equality Act 2010 makes it illegal for employers to discriminate against people on the grounds of their race while they are employees. Race is one of the nine ‘protected characteristics’ that the Act covers, alongside age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation.

Why Was The Equality Act 2010 Introduced?

The Equality Act was introduced to bring together different pieces of anti-discrimination legislation into one Act of Parliament that strengthened the law on the issue of equality.

Discover more about Ethnic Diversity in Construction today

To find out more about diversity in the construction industry and Black History Month, visit any of the resources and links below.

(BAME* is a term that was used widely until recently to describe people from Black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds. Go Construct no longer uses this term, but there may still be historical references to BAME, and in attributed quotations and the names of organisations, on the Go Construct website)

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