Fully-matching results
How to apply for a construction job
Tips on how to prepare a strong application for a job in construction. Advice on CVs, covering letters and interviews that will help make a good impression.
How is construction adapting for the future?
Get all the information about the future of construction, digital careers and the technologies that will change the way the construction industry functions.
Construction traineeships
A traineeship is a short course that offers a chance to demonstrate your capabilities and develop the skills needed for an apprenticeship or job.
CPD Resources
CPD Resources.
What are ECS Cards?
An ECS Card allows those working in the electrical industry to evidence their capabilities, skills, and qualifications. Find out more.
What Is BIM? BIM Careers Explained
Find out more about BIM job roles in construction. What is BIM? How is it used in construction and what does a career in BIM really entail?
Sustainability in construction
Sustainability in construction.
Careers Adviser Videos: Construction Career Videos
We have a wide range of construction career videos, including case studies of all ages from a wide range of careers such as technical and professional roles.
Plant operator training and key responsibilities
Plant operations is a key part of the UK construction industry. Find out what the skills and responsibilities of a plant operator are.
Construction programme (importance explained)
Read about the importance of developing a schedule for construction work and what to factor in when planning out costs and timings.