Free level 3 qualifications

If you’re aged 19 or over, you could access a level 3 qualification in building and construction for free. This is part of the support available from the government to help you gain the skills you need to get the job you want - whatever your stage of life.

These courses could help you improve your wage outcomes and job prospects, and gain skills that employers value.

What’s a level 3 qualification?

A level 3 qualification is equivalent to an advanced technical certificate or diploma, or A levels.

The qualifications could help you:

  • gain skills that employers value
  • improve your job prospects
  • earn a higher wage

If you’re eligible, you will not have to pay for your level 3 qualification. The government will pay the course fees.

Who can access a free level 3 qualification?

You can get a free level 3 qualification if you:

  • are 19 or over and do not already have a level 3 qualification
  • already have a level 3 qualification or higher but earn below the National Living Wage annually (£20,319 from April 2023)
  • already have a level 3 qualification or higher but are unemployed

In some areas, there may be a slightly different low wage threshold. Check with your local training provider to find out the low wage threshold in your area.

How do I apply?

If you’re eligible, you will not have to pay for your level 3 qualification. The government will pay the course fees.

  1. Use the National Careers Service course finder to see which courses are available for free in your local area or online. You can set the distance you are willing to travel. Some of these qualifications are available to study online or part-time.
  2. Contact the college or training provider. You can confirm they offer the qualification you’re interested in, check the admissions criteria and apply for the course in the normal way.
  3. If you’re accepted onto the course, you will not have to pay a course fee. You may also be able to get help to pay for childcare, travel and other costs.

Alternatively, you can search for courses on your local college’s or provider’s website. You can view the full list of providers offering free places for level 3 qualifications.

More information is available on the UK Government’s official guidance page.