What types of apprenticeships in Wales are there?
There are four types of apprenticeships in Wales, with each type representing a different training level – Foundation, Standard, Higher and Degree.
Foundation apprenticeships
A foundation apprenticeship in Wales is a level 2 qualification that is roughly equivalent to five GCSE passes. They usually take between 12-18months to complete.
These apprenticeships are similar to intermediate level apprenticeships in England but shouldn’t be confused with Scottish foundation apprenticeships - which are completed before leaving school.
What do I need to apply for a foundation apprenticeship?
Usually, no formal qualifications are needed for a foundation apprenticeship, but some employers may ask for applicants to have GCSE English and Maths. It is important to be able to show enthusiasm and a willingness to complete the programme.
How will a foundation apprenticeship develop my career?
Employers are looking for staff with the right skills, and a foundation apprenticeship is a great way to equip yourself for the world of work at the same time as gaining a vocational qualification. A foundation apprenticeship is the ideal route to a Level 3 apprenticeship where you will develop your skills, experience and knowledge further.
Standard apprenticeships
A standard apprenticeship in Wales is a level 3 apprenticeship that is roughly equivalent to two A Levels. They usually take between 2-4 years to complete – with one day a week for study time or a set block of time for college learning.
These apprenticeships are similar to advanced apprenticeships in England.
What do I need to apply for a standard apprenticeship
You will usually need at least three GCSE passes at grades 9-4 or a foundation apprenticeship to apply for a standard apprenticeship. Some employers may insist on more GCSEs or qualifications in specific subjects. Some employers will not require any formal qualifications though.
How will a standard apprenticeship develop my career?
A standard apprenticeship could be the gateway to any number of opportunities – the practical skills you will gain could lead to a permanent position in your chosen field, or the chance to develop your skills, experience and knowledge further in a higher apprenticeship or a degree.
Higher apprenticeships
A higher apprenticeship in Wales is a Level 4 to 5 qualification that is equivalent to a HNC, foundation degree or the first year of an Honours degree. They usually take up to 5 years to complete.
They are broadly the same as higher apprenticeships in England.
What do I need to apply for a higher apprenticeship?
Entry requirements vary, but most higher apprenticeship schemes will need A-Level passes, a Level 3 apprenticeship, HNC or BTEC National diploma. Some employers may ask for passes in relevant subjects or previous work-based experience.
Check the framework for Higher apprenticeships available on the Apprenticeship Certification Wales website.
How will a higher apprenticeship develop my career?
By the end of your higher apprenticeship, you will have gained a major professional qualification that will allow you to make significant progress in your career. For example, a finance higher apprenticeship often can lead to a qualification as a chartered accountant. You can also proceed to a degree apprenticeship.
Degree apprenticeships
A Degree Apprenticeship in Wales is a Level 6-7 qualification that is equivalent to an honours degree – It is the most advanced apprenticeship you can take. They usually take between 3-6 years to complete and combine working for an employer with study at a university.
They are perfect for students who are unsure about whether to pursue an apprenticeship or go to university – offering a mix of both real-world work experience and academic learning.
These apprenticeships are similar to degree apprenticeships in England and graduate apprenticeships in Scotland.
What do I need to apply for a degree apprenticeship?
To apply for a degree apprenticeship, you’ll need five GCSE passes at grades 9-4 and Level 3 qualifications such as A-Levels, NVQs or a BTEC National. Some apprenticeship providers may want your A-Level passes to be in specific subjects and at a certain grade.
How will a degree apprenticeship develop my career?
Degree apprenticeships are the highest level of apprenticeship qualification you can achieve in Wales. After completing it you will not only have a degree, but a wealth of work experience, and will have been able to earn a salary at the same time. This could put you ahead of some people the same age as you who might be entering the world of work for the first time.
Working and studying towards a degree apprenticeship improves your skills, expertise and knowledge in your chosen field. Better still, the connections you will have made with employers during your apprenticeship will prove invaluable.
Still have some questions about apprenticeships in Wales?
How do I apply for an apprenticeship in Wales?
If you think an apprenticeship is right for you, and you live in Wales, visit the Welsh government’s apprenticeships website for more details about the various apprenticeship levels, entry requirements, case studies and to search for vacancies.
How long is an apprenticeship?
Apprenticeships in Wales take between one to six years to complete. A foundation apprenticeship usually takes 12-18months. A standard apprenticeship takes between 2-4 years. A higher apprenticeship can take up to 5 years. And a degree apprenticeship will take between 3-6 years.
How old do I have to be to do an apprenticeship in Wales?
You can apply for a foundation or a standard apprenticeship in Wales if you are over the age of 16, are living in Wales and not in full-time education. Most applicants for higher and degree apprenticeships will be over 18 years old.
How many apprenticeships are there in Wales?
There are a wide range of opportunities in Wales for each apprenticeship level. You can find the current vacancies on the gov.wales website.
Can I do an apprenticeship in Welsh?
Some apprenticeships are available in Welsh. You can check with the university or college provider to find out whether you need to have Welsh speaking or writing skills.