Activity Aims

To promote a wide range of construction careers and aspect of the construction process, including health and safety, teamwork, engineering, problem solving and working to timescales. 

Activity Description

Building the giant tetrahedron (a triangular-based pyramid) is an impactful activity, creating a 4m x 4m structure using only dowels and elastic bands.
The emphasis is on teamwork and listening to, and following, instructions. Many roles in the construction industry can be incorporated into the activity and building process, making it an excellent illustrative and fun activity.
The finished tetrahedron is very versatile and can be used as a whole or in parts for a variety of events.

Activity Length

• Two hours if a single group is completing the 4m structure.
• Different groups can build elements of the 4m structure over a shorter time period

All timings given are approximate.


  • 11+ years

Group Size

  • This activity is flexible based on the size of the audience however max 30 broken down into smaller groups is ideal.

Remember the overall size of the group/audience involved may affect timings.

Further Information

For full details on the activity please see the Activity Cover sheet included in the documents below which provides information on:

  • Preparation and resources required
  • Curriculum/Sector/Employability Skills links
  • Extension activities
  • Suggested timetable