They are free to use and we are keen that they are used as much as possible to develop a true understanding of the challenge and diversity that a career in the construction and built environment sector can offer.

All that we ask is that you use the resources as outlined below and in the terms of use agreement.

  • Content may be updated from time to time so always obtain the most up-to – date version direct from the website rather than using documents previously downloaded.
  • When using this material, acknowledge and encourage use of
  • So we can monitor usage to better inform further development, please only use your log-in to access material to support your organisation’s work. Encourage others to set up their own log-ins.

You may find the following information useful to help you prepare the delivery of a Go Construct activity or resource:


  • Make sure you are familiar with the activity by reading the Activity Cover sheet and all the activity documentation.
  • The activity cover sheet provides a synopsis of the activities on offer to help you select the activity most suitable for your group size/age/ability/focus. Each cover sheet outlines, where applicable, details of:
    • Activity Descriptor
    • Activity Aims
    • Activity Length
    • Preparation Required
    • Extension Ideas
    • Group Size
    • Audience
    • Resources Required
    • Documentation List (documents that may need to be photocopied/printed)
    • Employability Skills Involved
    • Curriculum Links
    • Construction Sector Links

Activity Lead Person's Checklist

  • Check the host organisation’s location and parking details
  • Check the access, start and finish times
  • Check the participants’ group size, age range and (where possible) ability level.
  • Ensure you have considered safeguarding issues when working with young people and vulnerable adults.
  • Ensure you have a suitable room with the furniture and equipment you require 
  • Ensure you have prepared the materials and any equipment you need to deliver the activity. Make sure you have enough for the group size.
  • Check if assistance is available for large groups and especially for participants who have additional learning requirements
  • If you are not an Industry Ambassador, the activities will be greatly enhanced by the additional knowledge and experience given by Industry Ambassadors. They should be encouraged to share their career stories before, during or following the activity. Please email to request support. 
  • If you are planning to take photographs check permissions in advance
  • Some of the activities are competitive so you may wish to provide small prizes such as company ‘freebies’
  • Some participants are quicker than others, so you may wish to bring another small activity for those who finish early. Examples might include sector crosswords or quizzes
  • Use plain, simple English where possible when delivering the activity. If you are using business, industry or technical language and/or acronyms explain what they mean.

Insurance advice for Industry Ambassadors

 Insurance is important but it doesn’t have to be complicated. Here’s a quick outline of the main points for ambassadors.

  • If the employer officially releases the individual to attend an event their employer’s insurance should cover them.
  • If ambassadors are at an event that their organisation hasn’t organised, the event and or venue’s insurance should apply (ambassadors should ideally check that organisers carry appropriate insurance).
  • If ambassadors have not been officially released to work/represent on behalf of their employer then this may become an issue, although at the event, the organiser’s and or venue’s insurance should apply. 


Employers cover ambassadors under their insurance if you’re working or volunteering under their instruction and during their normal working hours.

If you’re working for another organisation, either as a paid employee or volunteer then their insurance would extend to cover you. It could be that you’re covered under both your employer’s and the other organisation’s insurances. 

Keeping young people safe

As a construction ambassador, you'll be expected to have a solid understanding of health and safety and be able to use it to keep young people under your supervision safe. You should be able to:

  • protect young people from maltreatment, impairment of health or development
  • ensure that young people learn in a safe, secure situation.