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Scaffolding Cube Challenge

Activity name: 

Scaffolding Cube Challenge

Activity descriptor: 

The Scaffolding Cube activity is an interactive, hands-on activity that helps to gain a better understanding of the uses, importance and complexities of scaffolding in the construction sector. 

Activity aim: 

The Scaffolding Cube activity is an interactive, hands on activity which allows participants aged 14 - adult to gain a better understanding of the uses, importance and complexities of scaffolding in the construction sector.  Using key skills such as team working and following instructions, participants build a scaffold cube using PVC piping and cable ties, experiencing the correct procedure for building safe scaffolding structures and learning the correct terminology. The activity also gives participants the opportunity to find out more about the world of construction and in particular the career of scaffolding. 

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Scaffolding Cube Challenge - All Documents necessary for the challenge.

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