What does a town planner do?
As a town planner, you will be responsible for managing the development of new areas in cities, towns and the countryside. You will review existing areas, assist in gaining planning permission for developments and ensure that developments are assessed for the environmental and economic impacts.
The job role of a town planner involves the following duties:
- Developing planning policy at a national, regional or local level, taking into account transport, the local economy, jobs, green infrastructure, renewable energy, climate change and the historic environment
- Reviewing and monitoring existing planning policy documents
- Assisting with the preparation and implementation of transport policies and strategies to create an efficient transport network, possibly including cycle routes, rail and road routes and or runways
- Helping to ensure that areas are attractive, safe and pleasant to live, work in and visit
- Working to energise places that have become run-down
- Balancing the needs of a growing population with environmental impacts
- Conducting appropriate research to inform planning applications
- Helping to draft and review planning applications
- Assisting with consultations and negotiations with consultants and developers
- Enforcing planning controls for developments
- Preparing policy or guidance documents on how to manage historic environments, or refurbish or re-use listed buildings
- Assisting with the provision of services to clients and contributing to projects
- Producing planning submissions, appeals, design and access statements and other documents
- Managing a client portfolio
- Developing business relationships
- Running public consultations.