• Office
  • Surveying-Planning
  • Higher qualifications
  • Good decision maker-leader

What does a town planner do?

As a town planner, you will be responsible for managing the development of new areas in cities, towns and the countryside. You will review existing areas, assist in gaining planning permission for developments and ensure that developments are assessed for the environmental and economic impacts. 

The job role of a town planner involves the following duties: 

  • Developing planning policy at a national, regional or local level, taking into account transport, the local economy, jobs, green infrastructure, renewable energy, climate change and the historic environment
  • Reviewing and monitoring existing planning policy documents
  • Assisting with the preparation and implementation of transport policies and strategies to create an efficient transport network, possibly including cycle routes, rail and road routes and or runways
  • Helping to ensure that areas are attractive, safe and pleasant to live, work in and visit
  • Working to energise places that have become run-down
  • Balancing the needs of a growing population with environmental impacts
  • Conducting appropriate research to inform planning applications
  • Helping to draft and review planning applications
  • Assisting with consultations and negotiations with consultants and developers
  • Enforcing planning controls for developments
  • Preparing policy or guidance documents on how to manage historic environments, or refurbish or re-use listed buildings
  • Assisting with the provision of services to clients and contributing to projects
  • Producing planning submissions, appeals, design and access statements and other documents
  • Managing a client portfolio
  • Developing business relationships
  • Running public consultations.

How to become a town planner

To become a town planner, you will usually need a degree, which you can either gain at university or whilst working in a supporting role, such as a planning technician, if you have the backing of your employer. You could also complete a college course, a degree-level apprenticeship, or apply to an employer directly if you have some previous experience.

You should explore these routes to find out which is the right one for you. Although some of these options have certain qualification requirements, many employers are more interested in people who are enthusiastic, willing to learn and can follow instructions.

You may need a Construction Skills Certification Scheme (CSCS) card to work on a construction site.


To become a town planner you could complete an undergraduate degree or postgraduate qualification that is accredited by the Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI), in a subject related to environment and development, urban planning or property development.

If you already have an undergraduate degree in an unrelated subject, you may be able to complete a postgraduate qualification in planning, to help you on your journey to becoming a town planner.

College/training provider

You could complete a Level 3 Diploma in Construction and the Built Environment, a Level 3 Diploma in Civil Engineering, or a T Level in Design Surveying and Planning to help you on your journey to becoming a town planner.


You could complete an apprenticeship with a Local Authority or town council to become a town planner.

Apprenticeships are open to anyone over the age of 16. As an apprentice, you will be fully employed by your company and expected to work a minimum of 30 hours a week. Your time will be split between on-the-job experience and a college or training provider.


If you have experience as a planning technician, you could apply directly to a construction company to gain onsite experience as a town planner and gain the necessary qualifications to help you progress on the job. You might start out as an assistant to a more experienced town planner and progress as your abilities improve.

Work experience

Work experience is essential to gaining employment within the construction industry. You could gain this at school, or by working weekends and holidays with a company or relative who works as a town planner. Potential employers will always be pleased to see work experience listed on your CV.


Additional skills which may benefit anyone considering a job as a town planner include: 

  • Good communications skills 
  • Ability to develop business relationships
  • Creative thinking and great attention to detail
  • Analytical skills
  • Geography and mathematics knowledge
  • An interest in improving peoples’ environments.


To become a town planner, you could complete a:

  • Level 3 NVQ in Town Planning Technical Support
  • Level 7 Chartered Town Planner (Degree)

To become a town planner, you could complete a:

  • HNC/HND in Town Planning
  • MSc in City Planning / Urban and Regional Planning / Urban Design / Spatial Planning and Urban Design
  • BSc in Town Planning / Urban Regional Planning

There are various degrees available in Town Planning such as:

  • BSc Human Geography and Planning
  • BSc Urban Planning and Development
  • MSc Spatial Planning and Development
  • HNC/HND in Town Planning

How much could you earn as a town planner?

The expected salary for a town planner varies as you become more experienced.

  • Newly trained town planners can start at £20000
  • Trained with experience town planners can earn up to £51000*

Salaries depend on location, employer, level of responsibility, any overtime you may do, and whether you have completed an industry recognised training route. 

* Salaries have been collected from multiple industry sources

Career path and progression

As a town planner, you could progress within the role to become a principal town planner or a planning manager and take a more active role in developing policies relating to urban development.

You could also become a self-employed consultant or move into a more specific role in property development or urban regeneration.