What does a landscape architect do?
As a landscape architect you will be responsible for producing designs for a variety of different projects, and ensuring that the land is used in an environmentally friendly way. You will work closely with others such as architects and engineers to ensure all factors are considered.
The job role of a landscape architect involves the following duties:
- Designing the layout of parks, gardens, housing estates or city centres
- Improving land affected by mining or motorway building
- Meeting with clients to discuss what they want and present ideas to them
- Producing designs (including computer-aided ones)
- Managing or regenerating different kinds of outdoor spaces in the UK or overseas
- Surveying sites to identify the plant and animal life there and get the views of local residents, businesses and other people who use the site
- Co-ordinating project plans with other professionals such as architects, civil engineers and town planners
- Writing reports
- Carrying out environmental impact assessments
- Monitoring progress to make sure a landscape is taking shape properly
- Drawing up contracts
- Overseeing the tendering process for contractors
- Doing landscape and visual impact assessments
- Making sure that changes to the natural environment are appropriate, sensitive and sustainable
- Giving expert evidence to public enquiries or other hearings on big or controversial projects
- Based in private practice but generally work both in an office and on-site.