• Office
  • Legal-Human Resources
  • Environment and Sustainability
  • Excellent communicator

What does a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) coordinator do?

As a CSR coordinator you will be responsible for helping to develop policies relating to a variety of important factors such as the ethical and sustainability policies.

The job role of a CSR coordinator involves the following duties: 

  • Developing policies relating to a company’s ethical, sustainable and environmental responsibilities
  • Ensuring a company has a positive impact on local communities and the environment
  • Raising public awareness of a company’s social responsibility commitments through marketing
  • Conducting research into best practice
  • Writing and actioning a company's social responsibility strategy
  • Creating partnerships with clients, employees, suppliers, charities, and other groups
  • Ensuring that a company’s policies meet legal and commercial needs
  • Organising events for employees and their teams
  • Encouraging links between the company and educational or charitable groups
  • Spreading the word in schools and local organisations about the company and construction in general
  • Reporting on social responsibility activity to senior managers.

How to become a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) coordinator

There are several routes to becoming a CSR coordinator. You could complete a university or college course, an apprenticeship or apply directly to an employer for work.

You should explore these routes to becoming a CSR coordinator, to find out which is the right one for you. Although some of these options have certain qualification requirements, many employers are more interested in people who are enthusiastic, willing to learn and can follow instructions.

You may need a Construction Skills Certification Scheme (CSCS) card to work on a construction site.


To become a CSR coordinator, you could complete an undergraduate or postgraduate degree in any discipline. Studying a relevant subject, such as human rights, international studies, law, politics, public relations, business or environmental management may improve your chances of securing a job in this field.

College/training provider

You could complete a college course to start you on your journey to becoming a CSR coordinator, such as business studies, geography, law or politics.


You could complete an apprenticeship to help you on your career path to becoming a CSR coordinator.

You could enrol on a business or law-based apprenticeship. This would not necessarily need to be with a construction company, as you could specialise in corporate social responsibility within the construction industry once you are qualified.

Apprenticeships are open to anyone over the age of 16. As an apprentice, you will be fully employed by your company and expected to work a minimum of 30 hours a week. Your time will be split between on-the-job experience and a college or training provider.


Depending on your experience and qualifications, you may be able to apply directly to an employer for a job as a CSR assistant, or similar. Your employer may offer training to help you progress in a coordinator role.

Work experience

Work experience is essential to gaining employment within the construction industry. You could gain this at school, or by working weekends and holidays with a company or relative who works as a CSR coordinator. Potential employers will always be pleased to see work experience listed on your CV.


Desirable skills for a CSR coordinator include: 

  • A passion for corporate social responsibility and sustainability
  • Strong communication skills
  • Logical and analytical thinking skills
  • Sensitivity and understanding
  • Knowledge of how businesses operate.


To become a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) coordinator you will need:

  • GCSE 9-5 including Maths and English, some may require A Levels and previous experience

To become a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) coordinator you will need:

  • Scottish National 5 A-C including Maths and English, A Levels and previous experience

To become a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) coordinator you will need:

  • GCSE A*-C including Maths and English, some may require A Levels and previous experience

How much could you earn as a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) coordinator?

The expected salary for a CSR coordinator varies as you become more experienced.

  • Newly trained CSR coordinators can earn from £23,000
  • Trained CSR coordinators with experience can earn up to £47,000*

Salaries depend on location, employer, level of responsibility, any overtime you may do, and whether you have completed and industry recognised training route. 

* Salaries have been collected from multiple industry sources

Career path and progression

As a CSR coordinator, you could progress into a more senior managerial role within an organisation.

Alternatively, you could set yourself up as a self-employed consultant and offer advice to a range of businesses.