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Canlyniadau Cymhwyster Rhanbarthol

Ar ôl pob Rhagbrawf Cymhwyster Rhanbarthol bydd ansawdd sgorau y gystadleuaeth yn cael eu sicrhau a'u safoni gan Fwrdd Hyfforddi'r Diwydiant Adeiladu (CITB). Byddwn yn rhyddhau enwau’r 3 cystadleuydd sy’n sgorio uchaf ar gyfer pob categori crefft ym mhob Rhagbrawf Rhanbarthol ar y dudalen hon o fewn wythnos i gynnal y gystadleuaeth.

Sylwch, os ydych wedi cyrraedd y 3 uchaf ar gyfer eich Cymhwyster Rhanbarthol, nid yw’n gwarantu eich lle yn Rownd Derfynol Genedlaethol SkillBuild, rhaid i chi sgorio o fewn yr wyth uchaf yn y genedlaethol i gymhwyso am le yn y rowndiau terfynol.

Os oes gennych unrhyw gwestiynau pellach, darllenwch ein Cwestiynau Cyffredin neu cysylltwch â'r tîm yn SkillBuild@citb.co.uk.

Llechi to a Theils

  1. Jack Mayo - South Devon College
  2. Sam Acland - South Devon College
  3. Lewis Round - South Devon College

Gosod Brics

  1. Eric Haines - Truro College
  2. Mason Goulden - City College Plymouth
  3. Zeth Bascombe - Truro College

Gwaith Coed

  1. Harry Whatmore - Exeter College
  2. Ben Hatton - Exeter College
  3. Rueben Trout - South Devon College


  1. Adam Gilbert - Penwith College
  2. Conrad Mathar - Truro College
  3. Glen Baker - Hayman Joinery Ltd

Paentio ac Addurno

  1. Ysabella Payn - City College Plymouth
  2. Charles West - Exeter College
  3. Abigail Durrell - City College Plymouth


  1. Dale Hellier - City College Plymouth
  2. Connor McKay - Greenlight Training
  3. Freddie Libby - City College Plymouth

Llechi to a Theils

  1. Joe Kemp - Eastern Region Training Group
  2. Sol Porter - Eastern Region Training Group
  3. Jordan Totman - Eastern Region Training Group

Gosod Brics

  1. Jack Hadfield - Derby College
  2. Ashton Robinson - Leeds College of Building
  3. Krisztofer Seres - Barnsley College

Gwaith Coed

  1. Dale Atherton - Stockport College
  2. Robert Armstrong - Stockport College
  3. Chris Charlston - Bolton College

Gwneud dodrefn

  1. James Hall - Langley Furniture Works
  2. James Graham - New College Durham
  3. Thomas Wynn - New College Durham

Leinin Sych

  1. Daniel Walter - Leeds College of Building
  2. Amee Barham - Leeds College of Building


  1. Matthew Lee - NN College
  2. Nathan Thompson - Leeds College of Building
  3. Logan Jones - The Sheffield College

Paentio ac Addurno

  1. Owen Sheldon - Alfred Bagnalls & Sons (Leeds) Ltd
  2. Cassie Page - Leeds College Of Building
  3. Katie Sanders - Leeds College of Building


  1. Wesley Proud - Leeds College of Building
  2. James Eadon-Creaser - Deane Valley College
  3. Joe Beever - Kirklees College

Teilsio Waliau a Lloriau

  1. Holly Taylor Whitehead - Leeds College
  2. Ben Gordon - Leeds College

Gosod Brics

  1. Ben Markey - Craven College
  2. Jak Viney - The Sheffield College
  3. William Pickford - Trafford and Stockport College

Gwaith Coed

  1. Nathan Ward - Trafford and Stockport College
  2. Greg Heywood - Trafford and Stockport College
  3. Iman Golpa - Cotswold Teak

Gwneud dodrefn

  1. Dylan Rudderforth -Burnley College
  2. Gabe Howard - Burnley College
  3. Ethan Storey - Burnley College


  1. Dylan Heap - Blackpool & The Fylde College
  2. Luke Richardson - Burnley College
  3. Erica Richardson - Craven College

Paentio ac Addurno

  1. Shelby Fitzakerly - Accrington & Rossendale college
  2. Jess Brierley - Accrington & Rossendale college
  3. Mackenzie Meeks - Burnley College


  1. Bradley Richards - Craven College
  2. Kade Patton - Salford City College
  3. Lewis Cole - Bolton College
Dyluniwyd y wefan gan S8080